Five advantages of the Virtual Currency DeFi Market for Beginners


If you are the risk-averse type of beginner, you may choose money market mutual fund products to invest in. Although they are the least lucrative compared to other types, money market mutual funds offer five advantages.

1. higher returns or profits than deposits 


如果您使用定存,有可能會受到提現日期限制,無法自由提取資金,在市場中,您可以不受時間限制地提取資金。此外,虛擬貨幣市場每年的利潤價值可高達 150%,遠比仍然需要扣除稅款的定存更多。

2.DeFi investment risk is small and the income is more stable

If you are the type of investor who is very intolerant of risk, then money market mutual funds are the answer. You don't have to worry too much about investment risk because it tends to be more stable. Money market mutual funds place securities that will mature within one year.

The fund minimizes risk by offering marketable securities such as bonds and time deposits. Although the profits are relatively small compared to other mutual funds, the trend is the most stable.

3. Cheaper minimum purchase value 

One of the advantages of money market mutual funds is that you can start investing in a minimum number of funds. This means that you don't need to spend much money to invest in this vehicle.


4. Non-taxed objects 

Interestingly, money market mutual funds are not taxable investments. This is different from deposits that require you to pay taxes on the profits you earn.

All profits you can earn in the form of profit or return on investment are not subject to income tax. As a result, you can better enjoy the benefits of your DeFi investment without the hassle of considering tax deductions.

5. Can be used for short-term investment purposes 


Investment decisions are of course based on each individual's risk tolerance. So, if you are a conservative investor just starting out, then you might want to try investing in money market mutual funds, yes. Happy investing!


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